Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blog Inspired Cooking

Let me show you my recent kitchen creations inspired by two blogs I follow.

The first is Braided Lemon Bread which I read about on the blog Smitten Kitchen.  I give the recipe an A for appearance with a B for taste.  It was pretty good, but not great.

The second is Spaghetti Dogs which I saw pictured on the blog Petunia Face.  Logan thought these were the best things ever.  My plate had the addition of an onion & ketchup sauce.  This idea / recipe is a twist on a "delicacy" (ha) from my grandmother's kitchen.

Those Spaghetti Dogs make me laugh.


  1. Those spaghetti dogs are a hoot!

  2. I am going to have to try those dogs...Alex will LOVE them!
